Impartial and objective journalism has always been at the heart of Vision House’s mission. Reporting as a way of life and a way of seeing the world. We have worked on all the biggest regional stories for foreign media as fixers and producers – local journalists with the language skills, contacts and ability to translate the unfamiliar cultural code of the East to something understandable by the West.
The BBC used our team for their coverage of the biggest political story since the collapse of communism – the EU enlargement. We wanted this to be something more than an institutional shift: after all, for us in the former Soviet satellites, we wanted this to be understood around the world as history. Ever since we have covered EU enlargement effects, John Paul II death, Auschwitz death camp’s liberation anniversaries, Smoleńsk plane crash, Ukrainian war, Catalonia’s independence aspirations, EURO2012 football Championships, refugee crisis, and plenty more.
We stay on top of political, social and cultural news in our native Poland and in the world. We have extensive experience in the production of news features, live coverage of breaking news and documentary films.
Our drive is to tell stories, and we believe in the redemptive quality of journalism that can change lives. We have unashamedly old fashioned values, but know that trust, truth and being blunt has won us many friends.